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Clinical Trials Dictionary. Terminology And Usage Recommendations (Curtis Meinert L.).  - Скачать | Читать Книгу Онлайн

Clinical Trials Dictionary. Terminology And Usage Recommendations (Curtis Meinert L.). - Скачать | Читать Книгу Онлайн

Представляем для скачивания и чтения книгу Clinical Trials Dictionary. Terminology and Usage Recommendations от известного автора Curtis Meinert L..

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A thoroughly updated new edition of the essential reference on the design, practice, and analysis of clinical trials Clinical Trials Dictionary: Terminology and Usage Recommendations, Second Edition presents clear, precise, meticulously detailed entries on all aspects of modern-day clinical trials. Written and compiled by one of the world’s leading clinical trialists, this comprehensive volume incorporates areas of medicine, statistics, epidemiology, computer science, and bioethics—providing a treasure trove of key terms and ideas. This new edition continues to supply readers with the A–Z terminology needed to design, conduct, and analyze trials, introducing a vocabulary for the characterization and description of related features and activities. More than 300 new entries are now included, reflecting the current usage practices and conventions in the field, along with usage notes with recommendations on when to use the term in question. Detailed biographical notes highlight prominent historical figures and institutions in the field, and an extensive bibliography has been updated to provide readers with additional resources for further study. The most up-to-date work of its kind, Clinical Trials Dictionary, Second Edition is an essential reference for anyone who needs to report on, index, analyze, or assess the scientific strength and wmlogs validity of clinical trials.

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Clinical Trials Dictionary. Terminology and Usage Recommendations (Curtis Meinert L.).  - Скачать | Читать книгу онлайн

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