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The Accidental Mistress (Sophie  Weston).  - Скачать | Читать Книгу Онлайн

The Accidental Mistress (Sophie Weston). - Скачать | Читать Книгу Онлайн

Представляем для скачивания и чтения книгу The Accidental Mistress от известного автора Sophie Weston.

Произведение -го года.

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A glamorous girl on Dom's arm will get him the publicity to fund his next expedition. And supermodel Jemima Dare is just the woman!Jemima needs a double…. She can't possibly work, but she can't afford to break her contract. So she turns to her capable sister Izzy!Izzy needs help! Impersonating Jemima is bad enough.But dealing with Dom–dark, powerful, wmlogs dangerously attractive Dom, with his laughing mouth and worryingly perceptive eyes–that's more than even Izzy can handle. Especially since she's suddenly desperate to tell him the truth.

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The Accidental Mistress (Sophie  Weston).  - Скачать | Читать книгу онлайн

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